价格 | 面议 |
品牌 | GE模块 |
区域 | 全国 |
来源 | 厦门圣企机电设备有限公司 |
GE模块IC693CPU350RRCPU 350 ModuleGE模块IC693CPU350RRCPU 350 Module 变频器电源 变频器电源主要用于交流电机的变频调速,其在电气传动系统中占据的地位日趋重要,已获得巨大的节能效果。变频器电源主 电路均采用交流-直流-交流方案。工频电源通过整流器变成固定的直流电压,然后由大功率晶体管或IGBT组成的PWM高频变换 器,将直流电压逆变成电压、频率可变的交流输出,电源输出波形近似于正弦波,用于驱动交流异步电动机实现无级调速。 上400kVA以下的变频器电源系列产品已经问世。八十年代初期,将交流变频调速技术应用于空调器中。至 1997年,其占有率已达到日本家用空调的70%以上。变频空调具有舒适、节能等优点。于90年代初期开始研究变频空调, 96年引进生产线生产变频空调器,逐渐形成变频空调开发生产热点。预计到2000年左右将形成高潮。变频空调除了变频电源 外,还要求有适合于变频调速的压缩机电机。优化控制策略,选功能组件,是空调变频电源研制的进一步发展方向。 IC695ALG628 Analog Input HART module, 8 channels single ended, 4 channels differential,channels are configurable for voltage,current and current/ HART. Supports Current: 0 to 20mA, 4 to 20mA, /- 20mA; Voltage: /- 10V, 0 to 10V, /- 5V, 0 to 5V, 1 to 5V. The IC695ALG628RS Refurbished Analog Input HART module, 8 channels single ended, 4 channels differential,channels are configurable for voltage,current and current/ HART. Supports Current: 0 to 20mA, 4 to 20mA, /- 20mA; Voltage: /- 10V, 0 to 10V, /- 5V, 0 to 5V, 1 t IC695ALG704 Analog Output Module, 4 channels,that is configurable for voltage and current, configured for Current: 0 to 20mA, 4 to 20mA; Voltage: /- 10 VDC, 0 to 10VDC per channel non isolated. Up to 16 bit resolution. Requires high capacity terminal block IC IC695ALG704CA Conformal Coated Analog Output Module,4 channel voltage/current. Module does not include terminal block. IC695ALG708 Analog Output Module, 8 channels,that is configurable for voltage and current, configured for Current: 0 to 20mA, 4 to 20mA; Voltage: /- 10 VDC, 0 to 10VDC per channel non isolated. Up to 16 bit resolution. Requires high capacity terminal block IC IC695ALG708CA Conformal Coated Analog Output Module,8 channel voltage/current. Moduledoes not include terminal block. IC695ALG728 Analog Output HART Module, 8 channels,that is configurable for voltage, current, current/HART configured for Current: 0 to 20mA, 4 to 20mA; Voltage: /- 10VDC, 0 to 10VDC per channel non isolated. Up to 16 bit resolution. Requires high capacity ter IC695ALG808 Isolated Analog Output module, 8 channels, that is configurable for voltage and current. Requires high capacity terminal block IC694TBB032 or IC694TBS032. IC695ALG808CA RX3i Isolated Analog Output module conformal coated, 8 channels, that is configurable for voltage and current. Requires high capacity terminal block IC694TBB032 or IC694TBS032. IC695CBL001 Energy Pack Cable, 3 ft. (0.91m) IC695CDEM002 RX3i type 2 demo case for Chinese market. Demo includes CPU, power supply, Ethernet, input simulator, output with ESCP, high speed counter, Universal analog and analog output modules. Demo also includes QuickPanel control/view includes thermocouple IC695CHS007 7 Slot Universal Base. Slot 0 limited to power supply (IC695PSxxx) only and slot 6 is a PCI slot only (IC695xxx). Slots 1 through 5 support both PCI and high speed serial connection (IC695xxx and IC694xxx) IC695CHS007LT RX3i 7-slot Universal Backplane Low Temperature tested. IC695CHS012 RX3i 12 slot universal base IC695CHS012CA RX3i 12 slot universal backplane. Conformal Coated. IC695CHS016 RX3i 16 universal modules slots base IC695CHS016CA RX3i 16 universal slots backplane with conformal coating.
联系人 | 黄晓峰 |